Archive for July 18, 2010

Luis Sanchis

Posted in Photography with tags on July 18, 2010 by howdave

The Honda 3R-C Concept vehicle

Posted in Design with tags , , , , , , on July 18, 2010 by howdave

Honda 3R-C is a fully single-seat three-wheeler powered by a lithium ion battery, created by Honda’s Milan studio. It debuted at the Geneva International Motor Show earlier this year. Although I don’t think it’s the personal mobility machine of the future, I think it’s a pretty neat idea!

The 3R-C has a clear canopy that covers the driver’s seat while it is parked and not in use. When 3R-C vehicle is in motion, the canopy becomes an enveloping wind-shield that provides the pilot, who sits low in the vehicle, with significant protection from the bodywork and doors.
The high sides of the safety shell seat give greater safety to the occupant, reducing the threat from side impacts and improving weather protection. In front of the driver is a lockable boot area, which gives significant secure storage for luggage or other items. The 3R-C’s designers created a flexible cover that surrounds the upper torso to reduce exposure to bad weather and improving comfort.

Alex Welsh

Posted in Photography, Photojournalism with tags on July 18, 2010 by howdave

Much of Alex Welsh’s portfolio is photojournalism, mainly in and around San Francisco. In his own bio on his website he expresses a wish for his photographs to confront they’re audience and create a dialogue about the issues that are the real the subjects in his photographs. I think it is an admirable example of photojournalism, something i’d like to blog more about in future.

A child watches as the playground at the Alice Griffith ‘Double Rock’ projects in San Fransisco burns to the ground after being set on fire. Double Rock is slated for redevelopment in 2011  and residents must stay in ‘good standing’ with the housing authority and the developer Lenner to be eligible for a unit in the development.

Speedy, a young man from the Oakdale projects, admires his chain in the afternooon light while sitting in a van with his friends on Navy Road. In 2007, the city of San Francisco created its first ever gang injunction against the ‘Oakdale Mob’, listing over 20 young men allegedly involved in gang activity on the block. Today, most of the kids on the block, like Speedy, are under the age of 18, many of whom don’t live there anymore but come to see their friends.

The Branner family crowds around the ice cream truck on a hot day.

Residents of the Hunter View project celebrate the life of Martel ‘Gully’ Peters with a dance party on the block after his funeral. Peter was shot 16 times in the Army street projects after being lured into an ambush. His brother ‘Nook’ and his sister Tati moved away from Hunter View shorty after.

Hudd Allison fixes his eye in a mirror after being jumped in the street a few nights before. “I’ve been homeless for only one week and I didn’t think it could get any worse. Now I lost my vision in one eye.”
